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Cookbook for e-commerce 2024

Persooa's experience, dozens of conversations with customers and partners, expert support... that's how the cookbook "Marketing Automation 2.0 Strategy" was created.

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Transform marketing at with ROI program in 90 days

Case study |

Transform marketing at with ROI program in 90 days

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Cooperation with is an online store that offers a wide selection of footwear for different seasons. Their extensive collections are always in line with the latest trends, so their customers always have access to fashionable and comfortable shoes for any occasion. attracts customers with a wide selection of footwear, attractive prices and regular sales. The store has been awarded the Gold Seal of Customer Recognition, achieving a score of 98.58% positive feedback from the store's 10,038 customers.

Cooperation with is an online store that offers a wide selection of footwear for different seasons. Their extensive collections are always in line with the latest trends, so their customers always have access to fashionable and comfortable shoes for any occasion. attracts customers with a wide selection of footwear, attractive prices and regular sales. The store has been awarded the Gold Seal of Customer Recognition, achieving a score of 98.58% positive feedback from the store's 10,038 customers.
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Opinion is an online store that cares about the diversity and timeliness of the offer, always following the with the spirit of the latest trends. The analysis and interview conducted confirmed the potential of implementing Marketing Automation 2.0. Therefore, we decided to participate in the ROI in 90 days program to effectively implement the new marketing strategy. We are pleased with the results achieved and confident that our continuous innovation work will allow us to continue to meet our customers' expectations, providing them with an exceptional shopping experience.
Kamil WoźnicaOwner of


Among other things, we implemented recommendation frames. Their purpose is to advertise the best-fit products to the user, during the user's purchase path. Personalized frames on the homepage are designed to redirect the user to the appropriate product tab. There, in turn, she can search for similar products until she finds what she's looking for and adds it to her shopping cart. Finally, frames on the shopping cart will help increase the value of the transaction. A synergy is created between frames at each stage of the customer path.
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Among other things, we implemented recommendation frames. Their purpose is to advertise the best-fit products to the user, during the user's purchase path. Personalized frames on the homepage are designed to redirect the user to the appropriate product tab. There, in turn, she can search for similar products until she finds what she's looking for and adds it to her shopping cart. Finally, frames on the shopping cart will help increase the value of the transaction. A synergy is created between frames at each stage of the customer path.
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See how we implemented the ROI program in 90 days with

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