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Cookbook for e-commerce 2024

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Conversion rate optimisation CRO
Persooa TeamJul 11, 2024 3:07:05 PM5 min read

Conversion optimisation - how to increase e-commerce sales with it?

In the competitive world of e-commerce, every business wants to maximise its sales performance. One of the most effective ways to do this is through Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO). CRO involves improving various elements of a website and the buying process to increase the percentage of visitors who become customers. With the right CRO techniques and strategies, companies can not only attract more customers, but also increase customer engagement and loyalty, resulting in long-term revenue growth. 

What is conversion optimisation?

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) in e-commerce is the continuous improvement of various elements of the website and shopping process to increase the proportion of visitors who become customers. The process involves analysing user behaviour, identifying barriers to purchase and making changes to improve the user experience. Key CRO activities include A/B testing different versions of pages, optimising content and page layout, shortening the purchase process and personalising offers and communications. Through these activities, companies can increase visitor engagement, improve conversion rates and ultimately increase sales and customer loyalty.

Areas for optimisation to increase conversion

When it comes to optimising e-commerce conversions, there are several elements of a website that are worth tweaking:

Calls to Action (CTAs) 

Make sure calls to action are clear, visible and inviting. Use contrasting colours and place them in strategic locations on the page, such as next to products or in the shopping basket.

Product descriptions

Write detailed, compelling and clear product descriptions that grab users' attention. Focus on user benefits and use language that is understandable and appealing.

Product graphics and multimedia

Use high-quality product images and graphics that are relevant and attractive. Add videos showing products in use, which can increase engagement and better explain the offer.

Order Forms

Simplify order forms by keeping the number of required fields to a minimum. Provide users with clear instructions and error feedback as they complete forms.


Provide simple and intuitive navigation that makes it easy for users to find the products they need. Avoid too many menu options, which can overwhelm users, and add filtering and search functions.

Category page structure

Provide a consistent category page layout that is clear and easy to scan. Use appropriate headings, lists and spacing to make it easy to browse products.

Page load speed

Optimise images and other assets to speed up page loading. Use techniques such as compression and caching to improve page performance, which is important in e-commerce where fast load times affect user experience and conversion rates.


Ensure that the site is fully responsive and adapted to different mobile devices. Test on different devices and browsers to ensure an optimal mobile user experience.

Improving these elements of an ecommerce site can significantly increase conversion rates, resulting in better sales results and higher customer satisfaction.

Key steps to optimise sales conversion 

There are several strategic steps you can take to optimise e-commerce conversion. Each is important and will improve sales performance and customer satisfaction. The process includes the following steps:

  • Data analysis - Use analytics tools such as Google Analytics to understand how users behave on the site. Identify areas of high traffic but low conversion. This will help you identify where the biggest problems are and what elements of the site need improvement.
  • A/B testing - Conduct A/B testing by comparing different versions of page elements such as calls to action (CTAs), headlines, graphics and forms. Choose the versions that deliver the best results. Testing allows you to see which changes improve conversions the most.
  • Optimise for improvement - Simplify the buying process by reducing the number of steps required to complete a purchase. Make sure your site loads quickly and adapts to different devices. Ensure navigation is intuitive and content is clear and compelling. Focus on improving the elements that have the greatest impact on users' experience and purchase decisions.
  • Personalise content - Use data about user behaviour to tailor content and offers to their needs and preferences. Use dynamic content that changes based on the user. Personalisation increases user engagement and can lead to higher conversions.
  • Monitor and iterate - regularly analyse results and adjust your conversion optimisation strategy. Monitor changes in user behaviour and adapt to new trends and technologies. Monitoring allows you to react to changes in real time and adjust your strategy to ensure continuous improvement and increased efficiency.

Taking these steps can significantly increase an online store's conversion rate, resulting in better sales results and higher customer satisfaction. With a systematic approach to conversion optimisation, it is possible not only to increase the number of transactions, but also to build long-term customer loyalty and a positive brand image. Conversion optimisation is an ongoing process that requires regular analysis and adaptation to changing market and consumer expectations.

Bricks and mortar vs. online conversion optimisation

Conversion optimisation in a physical store and an online store differ in terms of strategies and tools, although the goal is the same - to increase the number of people who make a purchase. In a physical store, space, product availability and quality of customer service play a key role. The right arrangement of goods, visually appealing displays and trained staff can significantly increase the chances of customers making a purchase. In an online store, however, conversion optimisation focuses on the technical aspects of the site, such as loading speed, intuitive navigation and the quality of images and product descriptions. A/B testing, content personalisation and user behaviour analysis are key tools for tailoring the offer to the customer's needs. Both forms of sales require constant monitoring and adaptation to changing consumer preferences, but the methods and measures used in the optimisation process differ due to the specifics of the sales channel.

Optimising sales conversion as a key success factor

Optimising sales conversion is a key success factor for both bricks-and-mortar and online retailers. Analysis of these processes shows that increasing conversion efficiency directly translates into higher revenues and greater customer satisfaction. In a bricks-and-mortar environment, a well-designed store layout and high-quality customer service can significantly influence customers' purchasing decisions. In e-commerce, page load speed, intuitive navigation and content personalisation play a key role in attracting and retaining customers. In both cases, it is essential to regularly monitor and adapt strategies to changing consumer preferences. Conversion optimisation not only increases the number of transactions, but also builds customer loyalty and reinforces a positive brand image. As a result, companies that effectively implement conversion optimisation strategies are better equipped to achieve long-term success in a competitive marketplace.


Persooa Team

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