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Cookbook for e-commerce 2024

Persooa's experience, dozens of conversations with customers and partners, expert support... that's how the cookbook "Marketing Automation 2.0 Strategy" was created.

Persooa TeamSep 10, 2024 5:16:11 PM3 min read

How marketing automation drives success in the rapidly changing landscape of Polish e-commerce

The Polish e-commerce market, although it has already reached a certain level of maturity, still has great potential for development. As Strategy&'s report for 2024-2028 shows, key trends and challenges will shape the sector in the coming years. In this article, we will explore how marketing automation can help translate these trends into concrete actions that will bring success to your business.


Slowing growth vs. personalization of communications

Challenge: Lower growth rate, but greater need for personalization

The report indicates a slowdown in the growth rate of the e-commerce market. However, this does not mean the end of opportunities. At a time when consumers are increasingly conscious of how they spend their money, personalization of communications is becoming key. Marketing automation makes it possible to tailor messages to individual customers, allowing companies to stand out and build loyalty.

What to do.
Invest in segmenting your customer base and personalizing your email marketing and SMS campaigns. With dynamic content that automatically adapts to user behavior, your message will always be timely and relevant.

See how Persooa helps personalize content


Intensify competition - use automation to scale operations

The challenge: The market has reached maturity and competition is growing

As the Polish e-commerce market matures, competition is also increasing. Companies need to act faster and more effectively to stand out. Marketing automation can help scale operations and reach customers with precisely tailored messages at the right times.

What to do.
By implementing marketing automation tools, you can automatically run ad campaigns based on user behavior, such as product browsing or shopping cart abandonment. Automation allows you to run hundreds of personalized campaigns simultaneously that respond to specific customer actions in real time.

See how automation helped Coccodrillo personalize the shopping path


M-commerce - mobile marketing as a priority

Challenge: m-commerce dominance in the coming years

According to the report, m-commerce in Poland will overtake traditional e-commerce in the next four years. The rise in popularity of mobile shopping requires companies to adapt their marketing strategies to smartphone users.

What to do.
Make sure your campaigns are optimized for mobile devices. Use SMS marketing, push notifications and responsive email design to reach customers where they spend the most time - on their smartphones. Integrating marketing automation tools with mobile apps will increase personalization and user engagement.

Share of sales generated by mobile devices

 will grow by an average of 2 p.p. y/y in the coming years.

Source: Strategy& estimates (based on expert interviews, Eurostat, NOBE and selected information from PMR, Euromonitor, Gemius)


Customer experience (CX) - personalization is the key to success

Challenge: Competition demands an excellent customer experience

The report indicates that success in the e-commerce market increasingly depends on delivering an excellent customer experience. Consumers expect a personalized, seamless and hassle-free shopping experience, which puts marketing automation at the core of companies' strategies.

What to do.
Marketing automation enables the creation of automated customer paths that guide users through the buying process from initial contact with a brand to post-sales and loyalty activities. Invest in systems that collect data on user preferences and automatically tailor communications to their needs.

Learn how we manage the customer lifecycle


Dynamic growth of the e-grocery segment - automation in the service of segmentation

Challenge: Huge growth potential for e-grocery

The report predicts dynamic growth in the e-grocery segment, driven by investments from large retail chains and the development of boxed diets. Marketing automation can play a key role in accurately segmenting customers and increasing campaign effectiveness.

Source: E-commerce in Poland Strategy& Report.

What to do.
With marketing automation, you can accurately segment customers according to their shopping preferences. Automated product recommendations, personalized offers and dynamic marketing content will significantly increase the effectiveness of your e-grocery efforts. Frequent and personalized communication is key - automation allows you to stay in touch with your customers.

Unleash the potential of your e-commerce with our ROI in 90 days program


Prepare your company for the challenges of the e-commerce market

Marketing automation is not just a support for marketing activities, but a key element of strategy for companies wishing to remain competitive in a rapidly changing market. In an era of increasing competition, personalization and automation of marketing processes are indispensable to increase customer engagement and build long-term relationships.

Is your company ready for the future?

Now is the best time to implement marketing automation and prepare for the challenges ahead.


Persooa Team

Persooa team are experienced practitioners. We implement the best Data & Marketing Automation solutions supported by Artificial Intelligence. We increase the effectiveness and efficiency of marketing and sales.