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Cookbook for e-commerce 2024

Persooa's experience, dozens of conversations with customers and partners, expert support... that's how the cookbook "Marketing Automation 2.0 Strategy" was created.

Case study | CUK

Marketing automation and personalization AI - Persooa support in CUK Ubezpieczenia digital transformation

Case study | CUK

Marketing automation and personalization AI - Persooa support in CUK Ubezpieczenia digital transformation

CUK Ubezpieczenia

CUK Ubezpieczenia is a leader among insurance multiagencies in Poland. For more than 20 years it has been a symbol of innovation and customer orientation. With sales of more than 1 million policies a year and servicing 800,000 customers, the company is evolving, among other things: by integrating sales channels. The flagship project of this process is OmniCUK - the first multi-channel sales model in the insurance industry, guaranteeing agents commissions. The implementation was awarded the title of Innovation of the Year by Gazeta Ubezpieczeniowa.
CUK Ubezpieczenia


Connecting all sales channels was a key element of the company's transformation . We relied on Persooa, an experienced and proven partner, to offer implementation, integration and development of marketing automation and AI personalization based on the Synerise platform.
Marcin DylińskiBoard member for Marketing and eCommerce


Among the key activities was the comprehensive integration of data from multi-channel sales outlets and systems such as CRM, which enabled efficient management of insurance policies. Aggregating and updating customer data, including marketing consents, allowed us to personalize communications and better tailor offers to customer needs. Among other things, we also implemented solutions for performing advanced insurance calculations and communication policies, which allowed real-time contextual action.
CUK Działania

See how we used marketing automation and AI personalization at CUK Ubezpieczenia.

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