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Cookbook for e-commerce 2024

Persooa's experience, dozens of conversations with customers and partners, expert support... that's how the cookbook "Marketing Automation 2.0 Strategy" was created.

Conversion Optimization (CRO)

We'll implement a program of research and A/B testing, so you'll know where and why your conversions are escaping and what changes to make to your site to realistically increase sales.

Conversion Optimization (CRO)

We'll implement a program of research and A/B testing, so you'll know where and why your conversions are escaping and what changes to make to your site to realistically increase sales.

What is a CRO?

CRO (or Conversion Rate Optimization) allows you to squeeze more out of your current traffic, so you turn visitors into buyers. With the help of conversion optimization, you'll also achieve higher returns on your ad spending without optimizing Google or Meta Ads campaigns themselves.

Approximately 80% of website changes aimed at boosting performance fail (Sources: e.g. Optimizely and HBR).
If you make changes to your site without solid research and testing, you risk a lot.

persooa-check You no longer have to guess what actually works. You can make changes to your website based on data (including A/B testing), increasing confidence that the ideas you implement are having a positive impact on your bottom line.  

We perform actions that will bring the most value to your business at any given time. To put it another way - we first look for answers to the most important questions arising from the data analysis (e.g., "Why, so many users abandon the shopping cart?").


When will you benefit from conversion rate optimization (CRO)?

  • You bring a lot of traffic to the site, have high marketing budgets, but record low conversions.
  • Your website has good design and UX, but you don't know what to change to further increase revenue.
  • You know that "something" needs to be improved on your site and you notice UX problems. You are looking for experts to identify and fix the problems on your site.
  • You've conducted a UX audit in the past, but it didn't bring much value to your business.
  • You want to improve your site based on data. You need evidence that the changes you are implementing are realistically increasing results.

Start implementing changes that increase sales

During your free consultation, we'll talk about your goals and the specifics of your business, and then identify how you can optimize your website in a better way.
You'll get real value, with no obligation.

We will optimize your site in 6 steps:

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
  • Step 6

Step 1 - Research and analysis

  • We get to know your business and website, analyze user behavior
  • We analyze where and why you are losing money
  • We find out where there are the greatest opportunities for growth

Step 2 - Recommendations and priorities

  • We identify problems and opportunities for sales growth
  • We catalog them and prioritize them
  • Example: if we identify that the greatest opportunity for increased conversions is in the shopping cart - we focus our efforts on it first. This way we bring as much value to your business as possible in the shortest time possible.

Step 3 - Implement Quick-wins

  • We start implementations with the subpages where we noticed the biggest conversion problem.
  • We first deal with the implementation of so-called quick-wins. These are smaller changes that don't require a lot of work, but have the potential to yield a big return.
  • We implement solutions to the problems that have the greatest impact on your performance at any given time

Step 4 -Tests

  • We test solutions and verify that they realistically increase your sales
  • We only implement verified solutions
  • Depending on your traffic, the number of conversions and the particular change, we choose a validation method - A/B testing, User Testing or another method

Step 5 - Conclusions and implementations

  • We always implement changes based on research evidence, not intuition.
  • Based on testing, we draw conclusions about what works and what doesn't. This allows us to plan further changes to your site more effectively.
  • If needed - we plan alternative solutions to a given problem. Rarely is the first solution the best one.

Step 6 - Repeat

  • Looking for more bottlenecks and opportunities to increase your sales
  • We are planning further research and analysis to learn even more about your business
  • We test solutions and work all the time to improve your site

We conduct A/B tests

With A/B testing, we directly compare 2 versions of a page to identify which one converts better. This allows us to make data-driven decisions. Implementing an A/B testing program into your business allows you to continually optimize your site (e.g., shopping cart, product pages), resulting in a better user experience and higher revenue.

Through CRO and A/B testing, you will learn:

Contact CRO experts

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