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Cookbook for e-commerce 2024

Persooa's experience, dozens of conversations with customers and partners, expert support... that's how the cookbook "Marketing Automation 2.0 Strategy" was created.

Take your business to the next level

With our Marketing Automation 2.0 offering

Take your business to the next level

With our Marketing Automation 2.0 offering

What is Marketing Automation 2.0?

We combine data, analytics, AI, prediction and automation into multichannel, personalized communications with customers for the best possible shopping experience, which translates into improved business performance and increased profits.


Our Marketing Automation 2.0 services

  • Integration
  • Personalization
  • Support
Persooa Integracja - Marketing Automation 2.0

Marketing technology integration and activation

  • We tailor solutions to optimize customer acquisition cost (CAC)
  • We integrate tools to increase your conversion rate (CVR)
  • We adjust automation to increase the average order value (AOV)
  • We make it easy to analyze the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing channels
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Personalization and omnichannel communication

  • We automate consistent buying paths that will increase the customer's lifetime value (LTV).
  • We design cross-channel communication to increase Open Rate and Click Rate.
  • We activate dynamic customer segmentation for better targeting and lower campaign costs.
  • We implement a loyalty program to increase purchase frequency and customer retention.
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Technological and consulting support

  • We help you leverage technology for greater ROI.
  • We help you effectively use your data to increase revenue.
  • We help you make business decisions based on data analysis and prediction.
  • We provide training and consulting to help you continually improve operations and increase ROI.

We can support you at every stage

  • Implementation
  • Development
  • Maintenance
  • Additional services
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Implementing Marketing Automation 2.0 from the ground up

  • Technical implementation
  • Implementation of three campaigns to get you started
  • Summary of results and post-implementation inspiration workshop
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Evolution of an existing marketing campaign

  • Setting the roadmap
  • Implementation of selected campaigns
  • Summary of results
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Maintaining current results

  • Existing campaign optimization
  • Testing process implementation
  • Cyclical monitoring/reporting
60 satisfied customers
180,000 hours of implementation
100million gross merchandise value (GMV) processed
9% average revenue growth
17% increase in AOV
30% increase in conversions

See how we have helped other businesses

To our credit, we have implementations in companies such as Orange, T-mobile and Homla. Check out our case study and see how we managed to increase profits and loyalty of their customers through marketing automation.

Why implement Marketing Automation 2.0?

There are a number of benefits to implementing marketing automation, no matter what industry you're in. These include not only improved sales performance, but also more intelligent use of the data you already have. With Marketing Automation 2.0 tools, you can not only increase the number of customers, but also influence their decision-making process through personalized AI-based messages and intelligent product recommendations. This is one of the most effective ways to generate growth in your ecommerce business.

Michał Szewczyk Customer Success Executive

How we work


We start with a free call to assess your ecommerce and learn about your challenges.


We develop the strategy, code and test the solutions we choose.


We implement Marketing Automation 2.0 in your ecommerce business.


We monitor the impact and provide guidance.


Our technological expertise


Standard package
Start 10h

For companies that need ad-choc support for ongoing operations Markating Automation 2.0

The most popular choice
Go 30h

For companies that need to implement complex Marketing Automation 2.0 scenarios

Best price
Run 60h

For companies that need a comprehensive implementation of selected Marketing Automation 2.0 strategies along with their maintenance and optimization.

Workshop, selection of scenarios
Campaign Brief
Implementation of the campaign
Campaign testing
Content coding
Dedicated MA specialist
Dedicated MA strategist
Minimum commitment
1 month
3 months
6 months
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Personalized customer journey

Our mission is to fully automate and personalize each customer's path to purchase – from first visit to repeat purchase. This increases the value of the shopping cart and the loyalty of your customers.

Personalized customer path

Our mission is to fully automate and personalize each customer's path to purchase – from first visit to repeat purchase. This increases the value of the shopping cart and the loyalty of your customers.

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When should you contact us?

  • When you're looking for solutions to help you realize the full potential of modern technology, including Marketing Automation 2.0.
  • When you need help choosing the right marketing automation platform.
  • If you're in the middle of implementing a marketing automation platform or loyalty program and need technical support to ensure a smooth and efficient process.
  • With Persooa, you get not only experience, but strategic insight that will accelerate your path to success.

Contact us