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Cookbook for e-commerce 2024

Persooa's experience, dozens of conversations with customers and partners, expert support... that's how the cookbook "Marketing Automation 2.0 Strategy" was created.

Marketing automation in the beauty industry

Harness the potential of AI and increase revenue for your business!

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Marketing automation in the beauty industry

Harness the potential of AI and increase revenue for your business!

Are you running e-commerce in the beauty industry? See what we can do for you

Marketing automation for e-commerce in the beauty industry enables you to fine-tune your offers and communications to meet the expectations of your customers, who expect personalization and quick response to their needs. With the knowledge and experience of our experts, we know how to effectively maximize ROI and realize the full potential of your beauty e-commerce.

We increase the revenue of your beauty e-commerce using advanced segmentation

Our customer communication strategies not only enhance, but also improve the customer experience. The segments we create are based on historical user actions and data updated in real time, allowing us to automatically classify customers according to their life stages or chances of engagement, churn, or purchase. As a result, we are able to offer fully personalized communications.
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We unify customer, product and sales data

We consolidate various data sets - on users, their purchases and the products offered. This information is used to feed our personalization system, enabling us to effectively deliver tailored messages to our customers.
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We maximize ROI with AI-based marketing automation

We strengthen our database of loyal and valuable customers, and reduce the time it takes to achieve TTV value with turnkey AI-based automation. We analyze potential growth areas at every stage of the buying process, so we are able to effectively increase ROI in the beauty industry.
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Review from the beauty industry

In selecting a partner to implement these changes, we were looking for experts who would not only understand our challenges, but also provide innovative solutions, In this context, we decided to work with Persooa, seeing in this company not only a contractor, but also a creative partner ready to take on this challenging task.
Anna Figurska-LegodzińskaLagardère

We personalize messages across all channels

We combine our marketing automation platform with various communication channels, such as email, SMS, ads, POS and more. This allows us to effectively respond to abandoned shopping carts, reduce customer service inquiries, and collect feedback after purchases.
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Improve customer loyalty with MyRewards loyalty program

Our dedicated My Rewards Loyalty Program is the perfect solution for the beauty industry. We use the full range of Marketing Automation capabilities in it, enabling you to build lasting and solid relationships with your customers, which translates into increased customer lifetime value (CLV).
Automatyzacja marketingu w branży beauty-grafika

We are implementing a smart AI search engine

Using AI algorithms, our search engine delivers the most accurate results, helping customers find the product they are looking for. It takes into account purchase history and product catalog in its recommendations, but suggests the most suitable products possible.
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Case study from beauty industry

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