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Cookbook for e-commerce 2024

Persooa's experience, dozens of conversations with customers and partners, expert support... that's how the cookbook "Marketing Automation 2.0 Strategy" was created.


Replace SMS with a new way to communicate with your customers


Replace SMS with a new way to communicate with your customers

Move communication to SMS 2.0

Let us help you reach your customers with a more interactive communication channel – Rich Communication Services.

RCS Business Messaging helps you increase engagement and reach customers more effectively. This solution enables complete customer communications – product carousels, product videos and more.

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We improve your communication strategy with RCS features

We deliver branded, personalized messages directly to your customers' mobile phones. We handle the implementation, processes, and security.

We improve your communication strategy with RCS features

We deliver branded, personalized messages directly to your customers' mobile phones. We handle the implementation, processes, and security.
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We leverage a wealth of experience

We enhance customer communication with your brand. We manage message variety – adding logos, company names and videos, images and carousels, as well as product recommendations, coupons and promotions – to increase conversions and keep an eye on engagement.

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We leverage a wealth of experience

We enhance customer communication with your brand. We manage message variety – adding logos, company names and videos, images and carousels, as well as product recommendations, coupons and promotions – to increase conversions and keep an eye on engagement.

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See how we enable personalized communication in the RCS channel

Schedule a free demonstration of Marketing Automation 2.0. See out-of-the-box features,
scenarios, loyalty programs, and AI-powered solutions that can work for your ecommerce

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We create better experiences

We improve rapid message response rates by enabling customers to respond with a single button embedded in the conversation. We use personalized recommendations to improve the customer's experience with the brand.

We create better experiences

We improve rapid message response rates by enabling customers to respond with a single button embedded in the conversation. We use personalized recommendations to improve the customer's experience with the brand.
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We leverage existing customer data to extend reach

We reach existing SMS and voice customers by leveraging their phone numbers and seamlessly transitioning their communications to RCS Business Messaging.

We perform an automatic failover process so that users who have opted out of RCS receive a standard text message and iPhone users receive an iMessage notification.

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We leverage existing customer data to extend reach

We reach existing SMS and voice customers by leveraging their phone numbers and seamlessly transitioning their communications to RCS Business Messaging.

We perform an automatic failover process so that users who have opted out of RCS receive a standard text message and iPhone users receive an iMessage notification.

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Working with Persooa has been a key part of our success. Thanks to their commitment and expertise, we have effectively incorporated advanced AI technologies into our marketing strategies. This partnership has allowed us to improve customer experience, increase revenue impact and our leadership position in the luxury fashion sector. We are grateful for their professionalism and joint development, and look forward to continued cooperation.
Wojtek CalowMoliera2 is an online store that cares about the diversity and timeliness of the offer, always following the with the spirit of the latest trends. The analysis and interview conducted confirmed the potential of implementing Marketing Automation 2.0. Therefore, we decided to participate in the ROI in 90 days program to effectively implement the new marketing strategy. We are pleased with the results achieved and confident that our continuous innovation work will allow us to continue to meet our customers' expectations, providing them with an exceptional shopping experience.
Kamil Woź
By implementing the Synerise platform with us, Persooa has changed the rules of the game! Our product recommendations are now automatically tailored to each user in real time, resulting in significant sales increases and resource savings. We no longer have to waste time on manual strategies - the algorithms do it for us, efficiently and in real time.
Krzysztof ŚwierzakHomla
Building and executing with Persooa a solid communications strategy, with personalization, automation and the use of AI recommendations as its pillars, has yielded a remarkable result in the form of a more than 10-fold increase in orders from this channel and a more than 3-fold increase in conversions from the campaign.
Dariusz LewczukOrange Polska
In selecting a partner to implement these changes, we were looking for experts who would not only understand our challenges, but also provide innovative solutions, In this context, we decided to work with Persooa, seeing in this company not only a contractor, but also a creative partner ready to take on this challenging task.
Anna Figurska-LegodzińskaLagardère
I have had the pleasure of working with Persooa and I can confidently say that they maintain a high level of quality and deliver on time. The team is professionally competent and works with a lot of dedication, actively looking for new concepts to increase sales, often going beyond the scope of their duties.
Katarzyna ZielińskaCoccodrillo
We were looking for a partner to help us develop a strategy that would incorporate marketing automation and implement it in an effective way. It was important for us to grow our business primarily by taking advantage of new personalization opportunities. We followed Persooa's prepared plan, and the implemented scenarios worked to increase KPIs from the first day after implementation. Subsequent monitoring and optimization confirmed to us that Persooa is the right partner.
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Mirosław WoźniakNet-Pocket
The implementation of Marketing Automation 2.0 was crucial for us to grow our business, primarily by taking advantage of new opportunities in data-driven marketing and AI. Together with Persooa, we pursued not only the implementation plan for Marketing Automation 2.0, but also strategic initiatives in the omnichannel area. Thanks to Persooa's wide-ranging expertise, the implemented scenarios worked for our revenues from the first day after implementation! We are glad that we decided to cooperate with Persooa.
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Marcin DylińskiCUK Ubezpieczenia
Working with Persooa and Synerise helps us deliver a truly personalized and unique shopping experience to our customers. It has allowed us to approach the customer journey to its fullest extent; easily testing new strategies and optimizing on the fly for quick and meaningful results.
Szymon JezierskiAZA Group
The implementation of Marketing Automation 2.0 has opened up new opportunities for data-driven marketing and AI. We followed the development roadmap prepared by Persooa to achieve our goals. With Persooa's specialists being experts in what they do, we were confident that the automation and personalization implementation would be a success! Persooa handled all aspects of the project, successfully executing marketing automation scenarios along with monitoring and optimization. This gives us a sense of a good and valuable partnership.
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Piotr KorczakT-Mobile
Persooa Health Check is a new service for any eCommerce business looking to improve sales funnel performance. The personalized report provided us with recommendations and benchmarks that we used to increase revenue and start new projects to optimize the customer journey.
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Daniel RogińskiDrogeria Natura
Our goal was to find a partner who could help us develop an effective marketing automation strategy and then support us in its successful implementation. Together with Persooa, we prepared a plan based on our business needs, which took into account the new opportunities offered by artificial intelligence. Such measures, supported by the experience of Persooa's team, ensured us a quick return on investment.
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Adam NiedziółkaADN Akademia
Our goal was to find a partner who could help us dCooperation with Persooa was flawless, with all planned scenarios delivered in a timely manner - including email automation that recovers 10% of our abandoned shopping carts. An additional value was the analysis, which provided us with a lot of information and interesting ideas for further development of Akardo.velop an effective marketing automation strategy and then support us in its successful implementation. Together with Persooa, we prepared a plan based on our business needs, which took into account the new opportunities offered by artificial intelligence. Such measures, supported by the experience of Persooa's team, ensured us a quick return on investment.
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Adam KubarskiAKARDO